Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Prof. Rozanis -Il Consigliere- Philosophy from Modern Greece (english subs)

Ο φιλόσοφος κ. Ροζανης μιλάει για την Παραβατικότητα.
Ο άνθρωπος δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο από θύμα των μηχανισμών της πόλης, και θα παραμείνει θύμα,εάν δεν υψώσει το ανάστηματης Παραβατικότητάς του, και ακυρώσει τους ελεγκτικούς μηχανισμούς μέσω της εσωτερικής του περιπλάνησης και πολύ περισσότερο μέσω της περιπλάνησης στην πόλη.

Αυτή είναι η ουσία του αληθινού αναρχισμού του ανθρώπινου υποκειμένου.

The goal of wandering is not to divide the city in an inside and an outside but to create or invent inside and outside as two positions equal and interchangeable.

The city is destroyed by the internal action of the human being and ultimately the purpose of the internal transgression is the destruction of the City as a control mechanism..

If the citizen does not turn this mechanism away and does not cancel it within him, then the city will be a ghost who will pursue him, will constantly nail him in the corner, will create him as its victim.

The internal transgression creates the human being as a sacrificer of the city and not its victim.

This relationship between victim and sacrificer is essential in order to understand life in the city.

And the the important thing is the human/citizen to realize that ultimately he is nothing but a victim of the citys mechanisms unless he raises his transgressive side and cancel the control mechanisms of the city through his internal wandering and match more through the wandering in the city in a certain mood which will abolish the goal, the purpose and thus bring forth the human being as a purposless being.

This is the essence of the true anarchism of the human being.

Stefanos Rozanis as "Il Consigliere"

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